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RNS 510

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:52 pm
by Neilg7777
Hi I have a RNS 510 in the caddy I have just bought, the previous owner had it on a switch to turn it on and off. I no I would leave it on and flatten my battery so today I wired it up to a switched live from the fuse box. The problem I have is when I turn the key the unit does it’s boot up and then the digital clock appears. I have to press the on button to get to the other functions. Is this normal or am I missing something. Thanks

Re: RNS 510

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:20 pm
by thesecondCZ
Hello I don't know what year your caddy is, but AFAIK, turining on and off is controled by control unit. My behavior is that when the radio was on last time and then i put the key, it goes on, then if i put out the key, radio goes off and with key again on. If i "turn off" the radio when engine is running, I got clock appearing, then without key goes black and with key again to clock. It just remembers the last state, because of control unit. Also if I turn on the radio when the key is out, the radio plays just for 20 minutes and then it is shut down by control unit from car.
If I understand correctly, you hardwired power through your own switch. In that state it can be normal, that radio goes to this idle state with clock every time you use the switch, because you are turning it off completely. When it works as it should, the radio remembers the state. What happens if you use the radio without your swithch? Does it drain your battery? Maybe your gateway unit should be replaced for newer one or flash your gateway software.